Wednesday 25 June 2014

Prayer For Married Women:MY SEAT WILL NOT BE EMPTY

  1. Oh Lord Thank You because  Your plan for my marriage will come to pass
  2. Every evil hand manipulating my marital life and relationship, dry in Jesus Name
  3. Every hidden voice speaking against my marital enjoyment, be silenced in Jesus Name
  4. Oh Lord, in my life and destiny no one will take my position
  5. Oh Lord, in my marriage, no one will take my position
  6. Every evil program designed by household witches for me, be cancelled in Jesus Name.
  7. By the power of God, let every enemy of my home be disgraced and paralysed in Jesus Name.
  8. Oh Lord, on the day of my marital joy, my seat will not be empty.
  9. Thou spirit of premature death, you will not take me away from my marital seat.
  10. Every strange power attempting to destroy my seat, receive the judgement of God in Jesus Name.
  11. By the power of God on the day of my marital reward I will not be missing.
  12. Every satanic committee, organized to disgrace me and my home, scatter in Jesus Name.
  13. Every wicked prayers offered because of my seat be cancelled in the Name of Jesus.
  14. In the Name of Jesus, I declare, no one will take my seat from me.

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